DMC, Inc.
1333 N. Kingsbury St.
Ste. 110
Chicago, IL 60642
Get Social with DMC
DMC Monthly Update
Volume 1, Issue 4
June 30, 2010
Read about Tim Jager's presentation
and other highlights of the 2010 Summit.
Learn how GAM is showcasing their new SharePoint dashboards on multiple LCD screens for all employees to see.
Part one of a series detailing TDMS use and optimization for LabVIEW.
Read about Cesar's multinational career
experiences, work with 3D vision,
and triathlon training.
Check out our open
employment positions!
30 Second Survey
What summer project will
you be engineering?
There were 2 correct answers for last month's Geek Challenge: Gene Szafranski of Wonderware North, and Brent Nelson of Texas A&M. The key to solving the problem is recognizing that the density of falling rain in the air is the ratio of the velocity of the rising rainwater divided by the velocity of a raindrop. A discussion of the problem is posted here.
Thanks for Your Feedback
Thank you to all readers who submitted their feedback to our SharePoint Usage Survey!
Congratulations to Ray Jersey of Shure Inc,
winner of a new Flip Video Camera!