
Learn About What a FedEx Day at DMC Is All About

John Sullivan: FedEx day is an idea that DMC got from a book we read during the DMC book club. The idea is that all employees basically have one day to deliver some kind of internal project. So for one day everyone stops doing whatever their normal project work is and works on whatever they want to.

Ken Brey: The purpose of a FedEx Day is to work on internal projects; that are thing that we've identified that would be nice to do but which we otherwise would not have time to do.

John Sullivan: We've come from things like a display case which is now one of the first things we show customers when they come in. All of our time entries is done on an application that was developed on FedEx day. We've worked on demos for our trade shows as well as just generic fun things to do.

Danny B: My focus for most of them has been a Kinect demo. Microsoft Connect is an interactive 3D camera that is a lot of times used for video games. What we used it for was an interactive display case. It's a pretty cool application where we bring new people to the office, they sit in front of a display case of everything we've done over the years, and they can just point to whatever they're interested in and it will render a 3D model. It lights up whatever they're pointing at and it tells you a little bit about what the object is and what we've done for it.

Ryan Taylor: Boris and Eric and I worked on making a 3D printer that basically extrudes this plastic onto a plate. You basically build an object one layer at a time.

Leon Grossman: I actually worked on a replacement for the Quick Books timer.

Deborah Nunaley: I developed the workflow for on-boarding a new employee.

Jimmy Condon: FedEx day was a lot of fun.

Rick Rietz: DMC.

Ryan Taylor: Smart people.

Deborah Nunaley: Expert solutions.
