Volume 2, Issue 9 - November 2011
Posted on November 08, 2011
DMC Monthly Update
Volume 2, Issue 9
November 8, 2011
DMC Kinect Display Video
DMC's interactive display case is a fun way to feature our projects and partnerships.
Check out this video of the updated display!

DMC Quote Board
How does Nick prep for a zipline competition? Find out in this month's quotable moments.
Geek Challenge: Deer Dilemma
A state forest is square and 6 miles on each side, and known to be home to a population of 1,000 deer. A road runs straight through the forest (not diagonally) and is silently traveled by an electric car whose driver is oblivious to the deer.
What is the probability of the car hitting a deer?
A) 14%
B) 25%
C) 28%
D) 36%
For purposes of the calculation, assume that the car has a width of 6 ft. and that the width of a deer (averaging all orientations) is 3 ft.
The correct answer with the best engineering content will be this month’s winner. Submit your responses to: geekchallenge@dmcinfo.com