Volume 3, Issue 8 - September 2012
Posted on September 13, 2012
DMC Monthly Update
Volume 3, Issue 7
September 13, 2012


DMC on Campus this Fall
DMC will be back on campus this fall looking for stellar candidates to join our team!
Check out our 2012 recruiting schedule.
DMC Ping Pong Challenge
The London Olympics may be behind us, but employees at DMC are just beginning their Ping Pong Ladder Challenge!
Geek Challenge: Perfectly Random Puzzle
Four groups of 225 random 0’s and 1’s are presented. One of these groups is perfectly random like a coin flip (although calculated from Excel’s RAND() function). The other three groups, while still random, have rules applied which make them not a pure coin flip.
Can you spot the perfectly random sample?
What methods do you use to spot it?
Submit your responses to geekchallenge@dmcinfo.com.