Volume 1, Issue 7 - September, 2010
Posted on September 28, 2010

Engineering Insight:
See A Silverlight Application Example
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DMC Monthly Update
Volume 1, Issue 7
September 28, 2010
Watch us describe in our own words
the experience of working at DMC,
not to mention a few funny outtakes!
Meet Dan, an engineer with an appreciation for the finer things including academia, piano, and an accurately measured keg 'o beer.
30 Second Survey
Which TV show do you think
deserves the title of "geekiest?"
August Survey Results
Which SharePoint features could your organization most use to make the grade this fall?
Dashboard KPI Visualization - 37%
Team Collaboration Sites - 18%
Document Management - 18%
Workflow for Business Practices - 9%
Wiki Library - 9%
Network Search Tools - 9%
Our Geek Challenge this month comes from a new episode of Futurama. Professor Farnsworth's new mind-swapping machine can swap minds between two bodies, but can never swap the same two minds back directly. After a few swaps things get mixed up. Try to get the minds back in the correct bodies.