Case Studies

Production Data Collection and Reporting

Production Data
Posted in Food and Beverage, Manufacturing Automation and Intelligence


DMC created a data collection and reporting system to increase productivity and to aid in maintenance diagnostics for a food production company.

Production Report

Production Report

Data Analysis

Data Analysis


Data from individual machines on the production floor is collected and analyzed on a PC in the production manager’s office over an ethernet connection. The system creates reports providing production analysis and machine diagnostics. With the information presented by the reporting system, management is able to make efficient production planning and maintenance decisions.

Customer Benefits

  • Performance metrics provide improved production and process decisions
  • Diagnostic reports enable predictive maintenance to be performed, reducing downtime
  • Microsoft Office® compatibility increases data accessibility
  • The ability to access all performance metrics from one central location provides improved, efficient data collection


  • Microsoft Visual Basic® user interface
  • Microsoft Access® databases
  • Data Dynamics Active Reports®