The system's first inspection station rotates the part 360 degrees while the line scan camera, triggered by encoder feedback, takes images. The line scan camera creates a composite image that consists of the complete circumference of the part. Parts are rejected for molding defects such as blocked filtration holes, short shots (non-fills), flash, and improper dimensions. Prior to implementation, DMC determined the optimum lighting and lens setup in DMC's vision lab, and verified the ability to detect the required defects. An innovative lighting technique allows for a detailed inspection and short exposure times, lending to short cycle times. The system has a second inspection station consisting of a standard 2-D camera inspection from the top of the part.
Although the inspection algorithm is sophisticated, DMC provided the customer with a user friendly system. Tolerance parameters are stored in one central location, allowing for easy rejection criteria modifications. Image marking is used to highlight out of tolerance areas on the display. This provides the customer with a visual indication of the failure reason.