This client produced a crystallized material used in components of common electronics such as your phone screen. To produce these crystals, the granular form of the material is heated in a furnace over a seven-day cycle. During this cycle, the temperature needed to change in specific areas of the furnace because it was important to control the location of the solid-to-liquid interface.
Achieving such precision required PID control of the furnace. PID control describes the continuous adjustment and output variation to accurately control a process and mitigate deviation. In this case, PID control would increase the temperature in a specific location in the furnace from 2500°C to exactly 2600°C—not from 2500°C to 2700°C to 2600°C.
DMC implemented a vision system using a specialized camera that can withstand extremely high heats to monitor production. The camera recorded images at a user-specified time interval, communicated with a PLC, and then adjustments were made accordingly. Therefore, the client still maintains some manual control of the process, but it does not require around-the-clock monitoring by an employee.
The production of these crystals is lengthy, requires extreme precision, and constant monitoring. DMC developed a specialized vision system to automate this process, helping our client cut down on costs while maintaining quality standards. The client can also adjust the parameters of the system as needed, so this solution is long term and sustainable.
Read more about DMC’s Test and Measurement expertise and contact us to get started on your next project.