BHS is a leading total solution provider of move power and material handling solutions. They approached DMC requesting a custom web application to optimize their battery management system.
BHS had a battery management system that was bar code driven, which was originally on a local portable PC. The system was not connected to the internet which meant that the client was unable to retrieve any of the operating statistics from each end-client. Instead of having an instance of the application on a local PC, DMC created an AWS hosted web application that would allow BHS to provision any device to connect to the application.
Web Application Development
The backend of the application was written using ASP.NET, while the UI was written with HMTL, CSS, and React. The application stores all the information in a PostgreSQL database, and the entire application was containerized using Docker.

Before starting development, DMC created a simulation to assist in identifying and solving edge cases that the previous system could not handle. This provided our team with a full understanding of how BHS's existing system worked. The simulation proved to be cost-effective, as many issues were debugged before the commissioning stage of the project.
Application and UI Improvements
With the previous application, an operator would navigate through multiple screens to find and input the proper information. DMC reorganized BHS's operator portal to streamline the UI. Pairing this reorganization with a sleek interface design made the application more efficient and user friendly.

With the application now being hosted on AWS instead of on a non-network connected computer, DMC was able to create a new web user portal that allowed managers to view and modify any of the assets within their facility. In addition, the application has a dashboard that allows managers to get critical real-time statistics that offer insight into their facility. This statistical information was critical of BHS’s sale to end customers.

DMC was chosen for this project because of our expertise with IIoT, battery management systems, and application development. Contact our experts with project inquiries.