The client wanted to leverage a fuel injector design for a new application. This particular application had a higher technical demand than previous products due to an increased RPM and engine capacity. The client’s technical requirement necessitated that each injector be characterized to ensure the performance and product throughout.
DMC’s solution included data collection, manual control interfaces, and data processing. A solution was customized first in a proof of concept for the characterization using PC-based LabVIEW and DAQ. This was expanded to a higher volume laboratory to test robustness. An advanced data viewer was then used to mine data for statistical evaluation of injector performance. These LabVIEW data processing tools are best in class, as the National Instruments hardware platform allows for scalability without changes in programming.
With the help of DMC, the client now has a robust fuel injector laboratory test platform. This platform is being used by their team of technicians to evaluate current and emerging fuel injector products at a level of accuracy and speed that far exceeds previous testing. Ultimately, it enables better engineering and management decisions for product development and product life cycle planning.
Since working with DMC, the client has scaled the solution to five laboratory implementations. They are now able to build these systems completely on their own, allowing them to evaluate three new product designs. Phase two has begun by implementing this strategy into the client's manufacturing testing. Based on these results, a 40% improvement of throughput and quality is expected.
Learn more about DMC's LabVIEW programming, data analysis, data mining, and reporting expertise.