Automated Hipot Test Station for Beverage Machine Manufacturer | DMC, Inc.
Case Studies

Automated Hipot Test Station for Beverage Machine Manufacturer

Posted in Business Intelligence, Digital Workplace Solutions, Food and Beverage, LabVIEW, Manufacturing Automation and Intelligence, Test & Measurement Automation


DMC developed an automated Hipot (High Potential) test station for a beverage machine manufacturer. The system is used to verify proper electrical grounding and isolation in the chassis of the beverage dispensing machine.






DMC delivered an automated system for testing beverage machines as they exit the production line.  The High Potential (Hipot) tests are used to verify that the insulation of a product or component is sufficient to protect the operator from electrical shock.  This test is crucial from a safety perspective, requiring high reliability.  DMC developed a system that ensures each machine successfully passes the Hipot test before continuing to the next step in the testing process.  The test station is integrated into a central database that tracks the product through the entire testing process.  This provides complete traceability and eliminates the possibility for an untested or failed device making its way to a customer.  An intuitive user interface allows quick, consistent tests.  Since the process is highly automated and the user is guided through every step in the process, operator training is significantly minimized.

Customer Benefits

  • Decreases testing time and labor by over 50% through automation of testing, data collection, paperwork, and report generation
  • Ensures operator safety through an integrated safety and interlock system
  • Increases testing accuracy and repeatability through fully automated functional testing
  • Ensures product safety by detecting potential electrical hazards and not allowing failing product to proceed


  • National Instruments LabVIEW
  • National Instruments USB 6501 DAQ
  • Symbol Barcode Scanner
  • Windows XP Embedded OS
  • HP Neoware Embedded PC
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Associated Research HYPOT III - High Potential Tester
  • Associated Research HYAMP III - Ground Bond Tester