DMC East Coast Offices Go Skiing in Stowe
For the past few years, DMC New York and DMC Boston have teamed together for a ski trip to Vermont, which we have lovingly dubbed DMSkeast (a nod to our Denver office’s annual event, DMSki). It's a great chance to relax and spend some time together outside the office.
This trip is partially subsidized by the activity funds of each office. We even have had DMCers from other offices join us as well for a great OneDMC weekend! This year, we headed to Stowe where DMCers got to "shred some pow" skiing and snowboarding.
Check out what a great time we on the slopes where temperatures hovered around 20 degrees!

In the evenings, we all headed back to the house to cook and consume some great dinners and to play games!

On Sunday, some of us split off to explore the Stowe village while others continued skiing.

We had a nice long brunch, wandered around some general stores, and then headed back home.

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