Microsoft's "Dashboard in a Day" Power BI Workshop Led by DMC for a Second Time
Two of DMC's Digital Workplace Solutions team members led another fantastic Dashboard in a Day event this month.
DMC partnered with Microsoft to deliver the workshop, which took place at the Microsoft Technology Center in Chicago. The goal of the workshop was to train participants on using Microsoft's Power BI platform to analyze their data in powerful ways and share the insights with the rest of their organization.
We started off the day with coffee & breakfast and a brief introduction to Power BI.
Dan Mitchell gave a high-level overview of the uses of Power BI and the different ways that users can analyze their data. We further explained how Power BI makes it easy to connect reports and dashboards from a multitude of data sources that reside on-premises and in the cloud.

Dan and Mike Dannemiller then led a hands-on lab which participants found useful in enhancing their familiarity with Power BI. The lab continued for the morning and through lunch. Each participant received a lab manual with a step-by-step walkthrough of creating a Power BI dashboard.

In the afternoon, participants were encouraged to use their own data to start creating compelling dashboards. Mike and Dan were available to assist everyone and answer strategic questions about company-wide data management.
Power BI provides users with a better understanding of how to:
- Connect to, import, and transform data from multiple sources
- Define business rules and KPIs
- Explore data with powerful visualization tools
- Build interactive reports
- Share dashboards with a team and/or others outside of the company

This event was valuable for new and advanced Power BI users alike.
We are hosting another Dashboard in a Day in Chicago on March 19 and an event in St. Louis on March 27.
Edit: Our March 19th event is completely full, but we have announced another Dashboard in a Day in Chicago on April 16. Please register here.
Contact us today if you need assistance with Power BI dashboards for your company. Learn more about our Power BI services.
Learn more about DMC's Digital Workplace Solutions services.
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