
DMC News: The 1993 Isla Numblar Incident

DMC News: The 1993 Isla Numblar Incident

Once a month, a DMC office shares an update video with the rest of the company at our monthly meeting. They are a combination of news, events, and fun.

This month was the Houston office's turn. Inspired by the recent release of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, we wanted to look back at how automation affected Jurassic Park. 

Today DMC Houston brings you a look back at the tragic 1993 Isla Nublar Incident. This event resulted in the dramatic loss of human life, nearly bankrupted a leading technology company, and led to numerous local, federal, and international investigations. It also spurred a worldwide discussion on the role of control systems integrators in large scale projects.

In our video below you'll see that the real tragedy at Jurassic Park was John Hammond's decision to select the cheapest integrator for the programming of all key safety systems. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

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