DMC Boston goes Ice Skating
As winter came, DMC Boston's office couldn't wait any longer to hit below freezing temperatures, so the office decided to go ice skating together. The skating activity was favored by just one more vote over the other option, which was a cozy board game night. But who's counting?
Activity fund outings are fun events everyone is encouraged to plan and invite other employees and their friends to, and DMC helps cover the cost. DMC's activity fund is an excellent way to bond with coworkers outside of the office setting.
Little did we know that the proponents of ice skating were somewhat self-selective. With over half of the group clearly skilled at skating, the others, myself included, slowly and hesitantly entered the ice rink. Jeff and Ryan even brought their own skates! You might be able to tell who feels more comfortable on the ice than others from the picture below.

After being overlapped endlessly, and watching the more skilled skate backward, some of us decided to try our hand at skating backward as well - but not without some help from some handy dandy crates!

Overall, we bonded as an office, especially for me since this was during my first few weeks after joining Boston's office from Chicago. After skating, we grabbed some perogies, pizza, and pints of beer at Bow Market in Somerville.
Ending the night with drinks at some funky bars, we all unwinded and chatted into the weekend.
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