
DMC Engineers Share Their Dreams and Eat Some Noodles

DMC Engineers Share Their Dreams and Eat Some Noodles

The DMC Boston team recently took a break from their busy lives for an adventure at Yume Wo Katare—an unique lunch location in Somerville, MA. Seated in rows on wooden benches, all facing the kitchen, we were served heaping (and rather intimidating) bowls of ramen.

Our server explained that Yume Wo Katare is not a ramen shop, but a dream shop. The massive portions are symbolic of the challenges that we each face in accomplishing our dreams—if we can conquer these bowls than we can surely achieve our dreams.

As other patrons around us finished, their efforts were graded by the Yume Wo Katare team, with scores ranging from “next time!” and “half way!”  to “almost!” and the highly coveted “PERFECT!”. After a score was announced, the ramen-eater was invited to stand up, introduce themselves to the other 20 people in the shop, and share the dream that they were working on. We heard all kinds of dreams from our new-found friends, from learning Japanese to giving a good presentation at a conference to earning tenure!

DMC Boston goes to Yume Wo Katare

We powered through our delicious bowls and Jirka, Tom, and Alexander all managed to earn a “Perfect!”

DMC Boston goes to Yume Wo Katare

After a rather slow and waddley walk back to the office to help us digest, we found ourselves refreshed and ready to take on new challenges!

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viraj chauhan
# viraj chauhan
According to me you write nice article.Good luck for future.If you want more detail in your field please join

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