
Sharpening Our Skills at Thunderbolt Axe Throwing

Sharpening Our Skills at Thunderbolt Axe Throwing

DMC loves a good company kickball or volleyball game, but sometimes we like a change of pace. If you're also looking for an out of the ordinary activity in Chicago, it might be try something a little edgier. For though we're in the the height of summer, we all know Winter is Coming, and there's only one reasonable course of action - it's time to learn to throw axes. 

Razor Sharp Fun

A group of DMCers recently visited Thunderbolt Axe Throwing to take on this challenge in a safe environment. The event was sponsored through DMC’s Activity Fund, which provides a monthly stipend for each of our six office locations, and gives employees and their friends an opportunity to plan fun events outside of work to catch up after a long day of conquering code.

After chowing down some delicious 'za from Warehouse Pizza, we made our way to Thunderbolt. While waiting for everyone in our axe-throwing posse to arrive, we engaged in an intense game of Giant Jenga, where the pieces—and the stakes—are eight times bigger. 

Christian Owen plays giant Jenga at Thunderbolt Axe Throwing in Chicago.

Safety First

Once we were ready to begin, we received an orientation that included a training on how to properly hold an axe, the different methods of throwing axes, the stance, and the correct arm motion. Part of the orientation also included all the safety precautions, which are quite important when engaging in an activity this sharp. 

Patrick Smith mirroring a mannequin holding an axe.

Axe Throwing Tournament

Like the eager future zombie killers that we are, we promptly began translating our skills from instructions to axes sticking into wooden targets. The video below describes our journey along and captures some impressive footage of axes slicing through the air in slow motion. 

Axe Throwing Testimonials

We had a fantastic time at Thunderbolt, and many attendees shared their thoughts about the experience overall. 

Axe throwing was awesome. Why is everyone not exposed to this important skill at an early age? This should be part of standard elementary school physical education curriculums. I really enjoyed learning the two-handed overhand throw. Previously, I often struggled with logs running away from me at a brisk pace, leaving no good way to chop them. I now have a viable solution to this problem. – Jesse Batsche

Axe throwing was way more fun than I thought it was going to be. There’s just something really satisfying about the sound the axe makes when it sinks into the wood. “THWACK!” Now that I won the tournament and defeated one of the instructors in a match, I’m considering joining a league. – Christopher Olsen

I felt like Mulan during the training camp montage that is the song “I’ll Make a Man Out of You.” At first, I couldn’t get the axe to stick in the target no matter how hard I tried, but with determination and dedication by the end of the session, I was hitting at least the blue every throw... Well… Maybe not every throw, but at least 3 out of 5. – Mary Doctor

Group photo at thunderbolt Chicago

Thank you to the good folks at Thunderbolt who helped us sharpen our skills Check out more fun activities from the DMC team here


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