After DMC Boston's 20th Anniversary party, everyone took off to Cape Cod for the weekend for the Boston team's Yearly Office Event (YOE). The YOE is an opportunity for DMC employees to meet near one of DMC's locations for a trip planned by employees in that office. The YOE grew out of the popularity of our annual ski trip, and Houston celebrated its first YOE this spring.
In Boston, we decided that everyone needs to pronounce YOE as "yo-ee." Many people from the Chicago office joined us on our trip, along with a few visitors from Houston and New York.

The weekend started with relaxing on the beach in Cape Cod. The house that we rented was really close to the beach, which was great! We built sand castles, flew kites, and caught up on some reading. Some people also played cornhole on the beach.

On Friday night, we had a huge cook out with lobsters and clams. Each DMCer contributed to our awesome meal and everyone was impressed by the unbelievable cooking talent within the group! Before we cooked our lobsters, we decided to have a lobster gladiator race.

When the race was done, and a champion was crowned, the lobsters were cooked and dinner was served. Along with lobsters and clams, we had different types of kabobs and lots of beer.

On Saturday, some people in the group took off to Martha's Vineyard for the day. We boarded a 45 minute ferry and when we got there, we stopped for lunch at Nancy's. The highlight of lunch was of course the seafood, but also the pina coladas.

At the vineyard, some people bought kites and flew them around the beach. Others rented bikes and went on a 12 mile bike ride, and it was gorgeous. We biked all along the coast. The view was amazing and the bike ride itself was very fun.

The weekend ended with more time relaxing on the beach at Cape Cod, eating more seafood and drinking more beer. There were also lots of sunburns. We made s'mores on the last night, and it was Leigh's first s'more ever! We finished off Sunday night by watching the newest Game of Thrones episode. All in all, it was a very successful, fun and relaxing YOE!