DMC's Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT Event
This May, DMC Chicago hosted a Power BI, Azure and Azure IoT event that included a hands-on BI workshop and IoT demonstration. Despite the rainy weather, we still had a full room of 25 people and the event proved to be very successful!
Everyone in attendence was brought up to speed on Microsoft's Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT platforms and how to take advantage of these offerings in order to improve business operations. The event included a live demonstration of how to setup an Azure IoT solution from start to finish. This demo was completed in only 30 minutes (pretty incredible) and included the streaming of live data from a physical sensor to the Azure IoT Hub, with a live stream of the data into a Power BI dashboard.
After the IoT demo, attendees participated in a hands-on Power BI lab which gave everyone the opportunity to try out the Power BI tools themselves and build real dashboards in less than an hour. Each guest walked away with a practical understanding of how all these technologies work and how they can benefit their business. As one attendee said, "The live demos and hands-on labs made attendance very worthwhile."

Based on the positive feedback attendees provided, we will plan to host another even soon so that more people can get a better understanding of how to use Microsoft's Power BI tools, Azure platform and Azure IoT. The Power BI tools provide an easy way to analyze data and share insights. The Azure platform includes many different cloud services that make businesses achieve more and save more money in the long run. Furthermore, Azure IoT (Internet of Things) is Microsoft's cloud-based offering that allows businesses to capture and analyze previously untapped data. DMC is a proud Microsoft Gold Partner and member of the Microsoft Azure IoT Red Carpet Program and Microsoft Power BI Red Carpet Program.
The event started with a networking over a complimentary breakfast provided by DMC. We proceeded with product overviews, demos, and how to get started with each program. We ended the event with an interactive Q & A session. The attendees included business leaders, IT professionals, and engineers. This was a great way for us to introduce everyone to the business and technical benefits Microsoft has to offer.

The event was open to anyone that wanted to learn about these different Microsoft programs, and we hope to have an even bigger turn out next time.
Learn more about DMC's Microsoft Consulting Services.
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