Duck, Duck, DAQmx: NIDays Chicago 2015 Recap
DMC exhibited at NIDays Chicago last week for the third consecutive year. The one-day, multi-track conference explores the latest technologies for measurement, embedded, and test systems.
We gathered at Navy Pier on a beautiful fall day, ready to enhance our technical knowledge, connect with other local NI users, and introduce visitors to DMC. Our tilt table demo proved to be a popular draw and DMC's team had a great time showing it off at the booth.
As always, meeting and developing relationships with National Instruments and peer integrators was a highlight of the day. We even raffled off a Fitbit Charge HR. Congratulations to our winner, Sonny Mitric of Omron!
There were plenty of insightful technical sessions to choose from throughout the day. The Advanced DAQmx Property Modes presentation offered a deep technical dive into a useful topic that's applicable in many different applications. We also attended sessions on LabVIEW for Embedded Systems and gained hands-on experience using CRIO for Real-Time and FPGA application. Another course demonstrated good electrical engineering wiring practices, shielding, and noise reduction.
DMC is an active participant in the Chicagoland LabVIEW User Group, so we were excited to see the Midwest User Group at NIDays. We stopped by the Midwest User Group booth and met up with users from across the region at a lunch meeting.
We wrapped up the event with a fun exercise as part of the closing keynote session. Building a LEGO duck as a demonstration of stem execution was an enjoyable way to end a valuable day of learning and networking.
Don't miss DMC at NIDays Boston 2015 on November 17!

Learn more about DMC's Test & Measurement Automation services.
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