Each DMC office recently hosted an All Day Company Meeting (ADCM) in their respective cities of Chicago, Boston and Denver. A few times a year, DMC holds these offsite meetings to discuss goals and have some fun together. In the past we've had a trolley tour of Chicago, a cooking class, and improv lessons at Wrigley Field. This ADCM focused on customer service, factory safety initiatives and quality control for engineers while the Microsoft Consulting and Administrative teams conducted best practices workshops.
In Chicago, members of the administrative, sales, and marketing teams researched helpful tips, shortcuts, and best practices for a variety of programs and shared these in presentations. They covered Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel as well as CRM and Outlook. It was a great way to brush up on less frequently used programs and to learn new tips to streamline the work the admin team does everyday.
The Microsoft team in Chicago created project guides for some of our more common solutions and projects. As a group they discussed past projects and established best practices so that the team can become more efficient moving forward. Account Manager Brian Frett noted "I found the session helpful and continue to reference this template on a regular basis."

After the presentations and brainstorms, the team played some intense rounds of Whirlyball and went bowling to foster company bonding.

DMC Denver headed up to Golden for their ADCM in the hopes they would be able to climb outdoors at Golden Canyon State Park. The morning didn't prove promising with grey clouds and a chilly breeze running at 7a.m., but they held out hope until it started to snow during the first presentation on Customer Service.
Denver's team brainstormed about how to provide better customer service to our clients and how to be a better company to work with. Presentations covered how to improve the quality of our services, as well as the importance of safety for our engineers when they are onsite.
Since outdoor climbing was out of the picture, Denver headed to Unser for some indoor racing. Some were more adept at racing than others, and others tried to stay on the track and out of other people's way. Our newest member of the team, Tyler, hands-down won the championship, setting a new record at the track! We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening playing pool, drinking pints of beer and playing 8 person-run-around-the-table-in-circles ping pong.

DMC Boston started the day at Night Shift Brewery in Everett, Massachusetts. Normally closed to the public until 3 p.m., the brewery staff transformed the taproom into a meeting space with a screen and projector while the production facility continued at full operation behind the scenes. After watching presentations on DMC's customer service, quality control, and safety standards, the team opened the floor for discussion with brainstorms on how to make improvements.
The team kicked off the rest of the evening by heading to indoor trampoline park SkyZone, where they "dominated in dodgeballing, dunking, and just general jumping", then returned to Night Shift for a private brewery tour and beer sampling.

The ADCM is always a great way to collectively brush up on some skills, gain new knowledge, and generate ideas through company-wide brainstorms. This edition was no different, and we now have a host of content to draw on for our future endeavors as a growing organization.
Learn more about DMC's company culture.