
B&R Automation Studio Output Devices

B&R Automation Studio Output Devices

For my very first project at DMC, I was tasked with setting up a file handling system through B&R Automation Studio 3. The application was to create a CSV file, populate the file with the revelant information, and then move the file to a new folder. As a new engineer, setting up a brand new system architecture can be a little daunting, so I was happy to find that Automation Studio makes it extremely straighforward to set up paths to different folders on your local storage (in this case, a compact flash card) or external storage (USB). 

Purpose: To set up locations to send files/data, both locally (compact flash card), and externally (USB).

  1. To setup a location, navigate to the File Devices tab (Configuration View > Double Click > File Devices tab).Set up a location to send files and data on a Flash or USB.
  2. At this point, destination paths and names can be added.
  3. To add a location to the local Compact Flash, set the path to “C:\”. If the destination is a folder on the Compact Flash, set the path to “C:\foldername”.
  4. To add a location to a USB, insert a USB mass storage into the physical view (Physical View > Right click under USB 1 > Insert > usbms01). The slot listed to the right of the usbms01 becomes the path for the USB in the File Devices tab.
    Add a location to a USB drive.

Now that your file devices are all set up, you're well on your way to setting up a fully functional file handling system.

I utilized B&R's filehandling function blocks (FileCreate, FileCopy, and FileDelete) to move files between different storage locations. If you're looking to add more complexity to your file handling system, B&R's FileIO library also contains function blocks to manipulate directories, link to networks, and read/write attributes. Overall, in doing my first project, I found the B&R platform easy to use, and conducive to file handling and manipulation.

Learn more about DMC's B&R Automation Studio programming services.


# Nayan
I am using Automation studio 4.3 version and I want to save my data logging csv files from plc(X20) to USB for that, I used File IO and USB program which is available in sample form in B&R library.

I used FileCopy function block for that but i cannot save my files into USB.

so how can I save the files?

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