If you had to describe Office 365 in one word, what would it be? Awesome? Confusing? For me the answer would be: Simple. Simple to use, simple to administer, and simple to purchase.
We live in a fast paced society, which unfortunately has caused most of us, including myself, to become impatient. In fact, I’m currently asking myself if I lost my audience due to this long introduction, but my point is coming, I promise.
This impatience has led us to make quick decisions, many of which we end up regretting. As an individual who works in the tech industry, I am no stranger to the concept of buyer’s remorse. Every day I hear stories from customers who are stuck using technology they hate because they don’t have the budget to replace it.
In my opinion, the fear of buyer’s remorse is, and will continue to be, one of the main reasons businesses move to the cloud. Customers are tired of signing the dotted line for “solutions” that end up giving them headaches.
Microsoft is so confident in their Office 365 cloud services that they give customers an opportunity to pull the plug at any time.
While Office 365 subscriptions can be purchased at a price that requires an annual commitment, many can also be acquired on a month to month basis. You may also reduce the number of licenses any time and will only pay for what you use.
There are some people who cringe as soon as they hear the word “cloud.” However, even the biggest skeptics can’t deny that cloud services are here to stay.
Office 365 month-to-month subscriptions give those who are skeptical a unique opportunity to test the waters of the cloud. Although many cloud services, including Office 365, can be trialed, I think most would agree that 30 days isn’t enough time to properly assess a product.
Month-to-month subscriptions are also a popular option for businesses that frequently bring in temporary employees. Rather than purchasing a perpetual license for a loaner device, month-to-month subscriptions are an excellent alternative. In addition, because it’s a subscription, customers can give temp employees the option to BYOD (bring your own device).
Below is a chart of the Office 365 Business packages that can be purchased month-to-month. Please note that the Enterprise packages require an annual commitment (with a potential 25% early cancelation fee).

To view the complete lineup of Business and Enterprise plans click here.
Although the above packages are the most cost effective way to acquire multiple services, there are also a number of a-la-carte services that can be purchased month-to-month.
- Visio Pro
- Project Pro
- Project Online
- Project Lite
At DMC we understand that migrating to the cloud can be a daunting task for the unfamiliar. That said, we welcome the opportunity to assist and provide proper guidance for doing so. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
Learn more about DMC’s Microsoft Office 365 consulting services.