DMC Boston Camping Trip to Acadia National Park
DMC traveled to Acadia National Park for a weekend full of nature, sunrises and fire. The trip there took about five hours, but we passed the time with podcasts, Pandora and checking out the fantastic foliage. Fall was just around the corner for Boston, and that corner was already at the Maine-New Hampshire border. All the deciduous trees were showing off their carotenoid (yellow and orange) and anthocyanin (red and purple) pigments. Once we arrived, we set up on our three adjacent campsites on the “B” loop of the Blackwoods Campground.

First up on the activity list was to go hiking and running around the campsite! The hiking group had photographic proof of wonderful views, but the running group assures you the coastal views they saw were so much better.

Following campside cooked dinner, we left to check out SPACE! The beach was nearly free of light pollution which gave us clear view of the Milky Way. Getting a stellar Milky Way photo involves a bit of math. You want a long exposure to capture as much light as you can from the stars, but you don’t want to take too long of an exposure since the Earth rotates enough to blur the stars. A recommended equation is 600/focal length = maximum shutter speed. Jason used this to get the stars, and then we threw in a delayed flash to get a clear picture of us in the foreground.

We also tried a bit of light painting at the campsite

Most of us woke up early the next morning to catch the sunrise at Cadillac Mountain. Some say you can be the first in the nation to see the Sun here, but I’m pretty sure the massive cruise ship in the harbor was the first to see it without having to climb up the Mountain.

Some of us snuck in an addional hike after watching the morning sunrise before heading back to Boston. We're all eager to plan the next camping trip.
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