Oktoberfest 2014 Chicago Tops Them All
DMC hosted its fourth annual Oktoberfest Party this past week at our Chicago office. The success of our 2011, 2012 and 2013 Oktoberfest gatherings has become renowned among our clients, vendors, friends and family, so the party was sure to be packed. This year was no different, and with over 200 attendees, Oktoberfest 2014 Chicago will likely go down in DMC history with equal gusto.
We out did ourselves with food this year adding to the normal brats and German Potato Salad a whole slew of vegetarian options from German Apple Pancakes with honey crème to dumplings in mushroom sauce. German Chocolate Cake, Black Forest Cupcakes and mini apple pies were only a few of the many desserts offered. And of course there was a fair share of beer, most airing to the side of German lagers and such.
The party wouldn’t have been complete without an accordion player to top it off – a well-dressed accordion player with authentic knit knickers of course.

A few of DMC’s own engineers were even festive enough to dress in lederhosen that Pete had from his days in Germany.

Everyone from adults to babies had fun laughing, drinking and mingling into the wee hours of the night.

Thanks to everyone for coming out to DMC for the 2014 Chicago Oktoberfest! See you next year!

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