Since opening our Denver office in August of 2014, Boris, John, Jimmy and I have been working hard to get settled in our homes, bring the office together, and have some good plain fun. We are finally moved into our new office and have left behind the temporary space where we had been seeking refuge during the initial Denver office build out. The new office is complete with an outdoor deck that we plan on filling with fun things like an outdoor pool table, heaters and more.
Things haven't gone entirely smoothly though, and with only four guys taking care of furnishings and one majorly misshapped order, this so far has been the extent of our decoration:

We've also brought on an experienced new hire to the DMC Denver team; Nick Aroneseno, a Certified LabVIEW Architect. Welcome Nick!
In addition to office life, though, we have been thoroughly enjoying all of the great adventurous activities that Colorado has to offer. We have particularly taken to wall climbing and now frequent Thrill Seekers, a small climbing studio in Denver, rather often.
After our first climbing adventure we were shocked by how little we use our upper body strength in day to day life. Now we’re old pros…We also have attempted indoor bouldering, though with somewhat less success.

The highlight of our Denver undertakings has by far been our hike up Mount Evans. Mount Evans is a 14,000 foot peak with the highest paved road in North America, which was a major appeal for us novice hikers and our loved ones. We all drove up together and then Jimmy, Boris, Edward (Boris’ son) and I got out of the car to climb the 1,500 feet. Jimmy’s fiancĂ© and Boris’ family drove to the top to give us a ride down after the hike.
The climb took us about 1.5 hours since we went the road less traveled. Most people take the 3.5 mile trail that loops around gradually leading you to the top, but we took a one mile trail that traversed the mountain on a steep incline instead. We were out-hiked by Edward who ran up the trail like a little mountain goat, leaving us gasping in his dust. Since none of us were yet acclimated to Denver’s high altitude, we definitely had a hard time catching our breath.

All in all, life in Denver has been a great experience so far, and we are excited to continue exploring our surroundings and growing our office!