DMC's Accuracy and Precision Expertise Featured by Control Design
DMC technical director, Ken Brey, and project manager, Jesse Batsche, contributed their expertise for an article titled, "How to Get High Precision and Accuracy for OEMs and System Integrators," recently published in Control Design for Machine Builders.
What exactly do the terms accuracy and precision mean? Ken offered the article's author, Dan Herbert, a very decisive definition: "Accuracy is the degree to which a measurement agrees with an established reference value...precision [on the other hand] is the degree to which a measurement system's results agree with its own repeated measurements."
Herbert went on to detail a particular project dealing with an automated battery management system (BMS) in which Jesse played a leading role. In this instance, accuracy was essential in regards to the voltage source. Unfortunately, such a source was not commercially available. Jesse "implement[ed] a control loop that measured the real voltage output" thus solving the client's problem.
Herbert outlined another instance in which Ken aided in "fix[ing] an existing automated test system responsible for measuring compression force." With the help of National Instruments hardware (including DAQ hardware), Ken calibrated the test system for precise measurements and once again the client was satisfied with the work DMC did for their system.
DMC was happy to be able to offer our knowledge and expertise for Dan Herbert's article. Thank you to Dan and Control Design for Machine Builders for featuring DMC in your April 2014 article.
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