We DMCers can get pretty competitive in just about anything: from WhirlyBall to golf to bowling we like to keep a friendly air of rivalry live around the office. This past Friday was no exception as we wrapped up the work week with a company Poker Tournament. Complete with DMC card decks, authentic poker chips, pizza, Wiskie (the dog), whiskey (the drink), a fine array of bourbon and scotch, and a host of eager players, we were ready to kick the weekend off right.
This isn't the first time we've had a DMC poker game. In 2009, Dan Freve's significant other, Sarah, won a big Hold 'Em game. A couple years later Jason Mayes was the big Hold 'Em winner. Back in November a third game was held, this time dealer's choice, with limit. It wasn't tournament style, so there wasn't an 'official' winner. (Note that the photos shown here are from the November game).

This past Friday Texas Hold ‘Em was the game of DMC's fourth Poker night, and after a go-around of food, a few rounds of beverages, and ample time to catch up on our quirky lives outside of DMC, we began the game. We are a pretty inclusive bunch, so some friends, clients, and partners joined in. With sixteen players in all we started out as two separate tables of eight and slowly whittled our way down to a single table with an ultimate showdown as the grand finale.

Some of players were brand new to the game and learned as they went, while others were seasoned, seemingly skilled competitors. Then of course there was everyone who fell in between and garnered the good wishes of Lady Luck for the night.
In the final round, it was Matt and Devon who were in it for the gold. As the chips began to stack and the anticipation mounted, you could almost hear our breath being held in waiting. It was all or nothing, and both guys laid their hands down slowly: Matt stole the show with a hand no one can quite remember, though we’ve collectively conjectured it was a three of a kind (of some kind) and likely involved two queens.

All in all the night was a successful comingling of DMC employees, friends and family, and we all agreed, Poker Night had to become something of a more regular occasion.