DMC's Paintball Welcome Party
Welcome to DMC, now we’re going to shoot you……with paintball guns!
As fresh faces at DMC, Adnaan Velji and I decided to combine our respective welcome parties (an excellent perk of working at DMC) into four hours of somewhat friendly paintball competition. Twenty-five DMC employees and their significant/insignificant others showed up at Paintball Explosion in East Dundee, IL to join the fight. Despite the early December date the Sun Gods, or perhaps global warming, favored us with 60 degrees and clear skies – perfect for a last hoorah before the Chicago winter sets in.

The group split into two teams, creatively named Team Armbands and Team No-Armbands, signed the liability waivers and set off to do some damage. Having not played paintball since my early teens, I have to admit that I don’t remember it being quite that painful! Whining aside, the teams were well matched, each with a healthy dose of DMC hyper-competitiveness. With some dubiously timed and paintball riddled flag captures, Adnaan led Team Armbands to a 2 – 0 advantage. Not to be outdone, team No-Armbands bounced back, winning 3 of the remaining 4 games, rendering the outcome an amicable tie.
At the conclusion of the day, our paper-thin and super stylish coveralls were looking a little shabby. While most of us removed and discarded them like civilized adults, Tim and Adnaan shared some bonding time. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Thanks to everyone at DMC for making our welcome party such a great day!
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