Microsoft has released their first service pack for SharePoint 2010 and it comes with several new features and upgrades. This blog post will guide you through the upgrade process and explain the steps you should take to deploy Service Pack 1 to your SharePoint server.
Preparing for the Upgrade
Before you start installing anything new on your SharePoint server always create a backup of your SharePoint database and a restore point for the server. Make sure that you are confident in your ability to roll back to a current working version of your server. After confirming your backups, download all of the neccessary files for the upgrade. The next section gives details on the exact files that you will need to obtain. Lastly, be sure to notify your SharePoint site users that the site will be down for up to an hour and a half once you start applying the updates.
Files to download
For upgrading SharePoint Foundation 2010 download the following files:
SharePoint Foundation 2010 Service Pack 1
June 2011 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Foundation 2010
For upgrading SharePoint Server 2010 download the previous two files and the following files:
SharePoint Server 2010 Service Pack 1
June 2011 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Server 2010
Order of steps
Once all of the executables have been copied to the server, install the patches in the following order. If you are updating a Foundation server then skip the steps starting with SP SERVER ONLY.
1. Run the SharePoint Foundation SP1 installer (sharepointfoundation2010sp1-kb2460058-x64-fullfile-en-us.exe). Wait for it to finish installing and make sure that it says that the service pack installed correctly.
2. SP SERVER ONLY. Run the SharePoint Server SP1 installer (sharepointfoundation2010sp1-kb2460058-x64-fullfile-en-us.exe). Wait for it to finish installing and make sure that it says that the service pack installed correctly.
3. Run the SharePoint Foundation June 2011 Cumulative Update (sharepointfoundation2010-kb2536601-fullfile-x64-glb.exe). Wait for it to finish installing. If updating a Foundation Server then say yes to reboot the computer if prompted to do so, otherwise say no.
4. SP SERVER ONLY. Run the SharePoint Server June 2011 Cumulative Update (office2010-kb2536599-fullfile-x64-glb.exe). Wait for it to finish installing (this may take awhile). Say yes to reboot the computer if prompted to do so.
6. Once the computer has restarted run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard. Allow it to stop certain services in order to run the wizard.
7. When the wizard finishes the configuration it should say that the configuration was successful. If the wizard says that the configuration failed then use some of the techniques in the troublshooting section below to correct the problem.
Try running the product configuration program manually:
1. Open the Start Menu -> Right click on the Command Prompt and run it as Administrator
2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extenstions\14\BIN
3. Type in the following command and then press ENTER: psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -force
4. After the command finishes running it should say that the configuration completed successfully.
Restart the server:
Restart the machine and then try re-running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.
Check the error logs:
Look in the SharePoint log entries for the exact error that occurred during the configuration and then try to resolve that issue. (The logs can be found in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS)
Testing to see if the upgrade was successful
After the service pack has been deployed successfully make sure that some of the new features of SP1 are functioning and check on the vital services of SharePoint to make sure that those are working properly as well.
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