Purpose-built 3D scanning tools are an exciting new development in machine vision. People have been building their own 3D scanners for years with cameras and line lasers.
Now, a couple of integrated and factory-calibrated units are on the market which offer a great head-start to a successful 3D scanning application.
SICK | IVP Ruler E
The SICK | IVP Ruler E is the integrated and calibrated version of the Sick Ranger product line.

- 13 varieties available
- 1536 pixel profile width max
- 10,000 fill profiles per second
- Interface: Gigabit Ethernet
- Application Software: API's provided for .Net, C, C++. LabVIEW API in beta.
Micro-Epsilon scanCONTROL
The Micro-Epsilon scanCONTROL is a new integrated and factory calibrated scanner.

- 8 varieties available
- 1024 pixel profile width max
- 250 full profiles per second. (Upt o 4000 for partial profiles)
- Interface: FireWire, RS232
- Application Software: API provided for C++, LabVIEW
- Works with the NI Compact Vision System
- For 2810 model, built in calculations are included for typical measurements of groove and bead applications, reducing custom programming.