
CSIA Annual Conference

CSIA Annual Conference

Last week I went to the CSIA Annual Conference in Naples, FL. CSIA, as I've blogged about before, is the Control System Integrators Association, the largest organization in North America for control system integrators.

The venue for the event was beautiful - The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club. Some of the major takeaways from the event include:

  • Some great networking with many of DMC's partners, including Siemens, Yaskawa, Wonderware, ABB, and National Instruments. These face to face meetings are highly valuable for understanding both the technical and business trends in the automation industry.
  • A great tribute to Norm O'Leary, the outgoing Executive of CSIA who over the past 10 years has driven the growth and quality of CSIA.
  • Absolute validation of the value and importance of CSIA Certification - DMC very recently passed the certification process, a significant milestone and quality differentiator. Mark Moriarty of Rockwell Automation gave a solid presentation on the benefits of certification from a Partner's perspective.
  • A great presentation on "Net Promoter Score" by Glen Graney of GE Fanuc

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