
A Puppy Welcome Party at DMC Chicago

A Puppy Welcome Party at DMC Chicago

One of the highlights of starting a new job is getting to know your colleagues.  DMC helps foster these relationships with a welcome lunch for new employees, training opportunities, and a welcome party that the new team gets to choose. Welcome parties bring team members together outside of work hours to get to know each other in a fun setting. For my welcome party at DMC Chicago, I chose a puppy party in partnership with One Tail at a Time

For my DMC welcome party, I wanted to support an organization that was important to me. I started volunteering and fostering through One Tail at a Time (OTAT), an animal rescue organization, in 2018. I have always loved animals and found an awesome sense of community and personal fulfilment through OTAT’s volunteer opportunities. Since I have volunteered at similar events in the past, I knew OTAT would be open to a puppy party. 

one tail at a time puppies

dmc employees with puppies

A Pawsitively Fun Welcome 

We welcomed the OTAT team and three adorable, adoptable puppies at the Chicago office. The dogs were eager to meet the 25 DMC team members in attendance and make new friends.  

The volunteers from OTAT started by giving a brief overview of what the organization does and how they support the Chicago community. We learned about opportunities to participate in the organization and how to adopt through OTAT. 

After the information session, the volunteers introduced the puppies to run around the Superior Room and play! Their wagging tails brought smiles to everyone's faces as they bounded around the room in search of pets. 

one tail at a time at dmc

puppy and dmc employee

Live, Laugh, Bark 

The highlight of the event for me was seeing my colleagues react to the puppies and the OTAT mission. What started as a welcome party turned into an opportunity for people to get involved in a meaningful cause, and I loved how many of my coworkers expressed interest in volunteering and fostering.  

One of DMC’s core values is “have fun,” and my welcome party was a great chance to get to know my colleagues outside of work hours by petting puppies together. Even though the event is over, I still get to enjoy tail wagging during the workday as many of DMC’s offices are dog friendly.  

My welcome party gave me a great sense of appreciation and support. It was meaningful to me that DMC was open to supporting a cause that is so important to me. It was also gleeful— there were puppies! Bringing together my new teammates with a cause that is close to me was a wonderful way to start my career at DMC.  

puppies at dmc

one tail at a time puppies at dmc

puppies at dmc

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