
Creating LabVIEW Ornaments with LabVIEW Icon Editor

Creating LabVIEW Ornaments with LabVIEW Icon Editor

DMC’s Test and Measurement Automation team has an annual tradition of using the LabVIEW Icon Editor to deck the halls by creating holiday ornaments, and this year was no different! We spread the LabVIEW programming cheer across our offices around the country and even took to social media to get the community involved. 

LabVIEW ornament tree at DMC Chicago
DMC Chicago's team decorated the tree with LabVIEW ornaments

Step 1: Ornament Design 

To start the process, we use the Icon Editor to come up with our best ornament creations. Typically, the Icon Editor is used to identify LabVIEW functions, but for this event it's simply a 32x32 pixel canvas. 

DMC San Diego creating LabVIEW ornaments
DMC San Diego hard at work creating their masterpieces

Snowman drawn in LabVIEW Icon Editor An ornament depicting a play on Data Acquisition (DAQ)
Left: A snowman drawn in the Icon Editor; Right: An ornament depicting a play on Data Acquisition (DAQ)

Step 2: Print and Cut the Icons

Next, we bring the icons to life beyond the page. After printing, laminating, and cutting, the ornaments will be ready for the tree! 

Laminating LabVIEW ornamentsDarren and Christian prepare the pages for laminating

Cutting out LabVIEW ornaments
Roman, Derek, and TJ cut out the laminated ornaments

LabVIEW ornaments after being cut, laminated, and hole-punched
A few ornaments after being cut, laminated, and hole-punched

Step 3: Display the LabVIEW Ornaments

DMC loves to decorate for all kinds of holidays, and hanging ornaments on a tree is no exception. It’s a great excuse to spend time together and explore the more creative side of engineering. 

LabVIEW ornaments at DMC Chicago
Milos and Rachel hold up a few ornaments in front of Chicago’s tree

LabVIEW ornaments at DMC Houston
Cecilia, Teddy, and Fadil show off Houston’s mini tree

LabVIEW ornaments at DMC Denver
Michael, Josh, Noah, and Casey stand by Denver’s tree with their ornaments

Step 4: Spread the Cheer 

This year, DMC worked with NI to spread the LabVIEW ornament tradition even farther. A social media campaign #DMCLabVIEWOrnamentComp brought out some new and creative ways to make ornaments fit for a LabVIEW tree! 

GDevCon North America LabVIEW ornament
A fun LabVIEW-inspired tree made by GDevCon North America, one of the premiere LabVIEW conferences, featuring the faces of their organizers and presenters

If you’re looking for LabVIEW development, or to take your Test and Measurement project to the next level, DMC would love to work with you and spread the cheer your direction, too! Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and how we can help you achieve your goals.


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