
DMC Recognized as CSIA 2024 Integrator Member of the Year

DMC Recognized as CSIA 2024 Integrator Member of the Year

DMC has been actively involved in Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) since 2008 when Frank Riordan, Founder and CEO, attended his first conference. DMC saw the value that CSIA certification offered and performed our first certification in 2009.

Our involvement has continued to drive value for DMC and, hopefully, the other CSIA members. It has included presentations at the 2011, 2012, 20142015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024 executive conferences, as well as Frank joining the CSIA Board of Directors in 2019, multiple recertifications across the years, and involvement in three CSIA peer groups.

CSIA has become an organization where DMC continues to both provide and extract value; it has helped accelerate DMC's growth. This year at the 2024 CSIA conference in Dallas, TX, DMC was recognized as the Integrator Member of the Year. This honor recognizes a CSIA Certified Integrator that has participated significantly in the advancement of the association and profession.

"As DMC enters our sixth CSIA certification, we continue to appreciate the value and direction that CSIA and the connected resources have brought to DMC," Frank said.

John Sullivan, Senior Director of DMC's West Region, was also recognized by the CSIA 2024 Emerging Leader award. This honor recognizes members who have demonstrated attributes of a future leader, innovative approaches and commitment to the industry, as well as contributions to CSIA.

John has been Chair of the CSIA Emerging Leaders Committee since 2020, where he helps drive content for the next generation of leaders at all CSIA members.

"CSIA has really worked to expand beyond the C-suite and start involving and helping leaders and aspiring leaders from every level of the organization," John said. "I appreciate the recognition for my work in helping develop those leaders, but even further appreciate the opportunity to grow that CSIA has helped enable."

We are grateful for this recognition and look forward to our continued partnership with CSIA.

Learn more about DMC’s partnership with CSIA.


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