Another year, another ski trip! It’s no secret DMCers are big on skiing and, by extension, ski trips! DMC hosts yearly ski trips for DMCers to let loose and hit the slopes! This year, one of the annual ski trips was DMSkeast. Originally exclusive to East coast offices, DMSkeast opened its doors to host members of all offices for the first time this year.

“Usually, it was Boston and New York offices putting together a ski trip on the East Coast. This year we made it a YOE [Yearly Office Event] for the first time and invited anybody from DMC to come and join us,” Abby Greentree, Project Engineer based in Boston, said. “We had 30 people come, which was awesome. It was mostly people from the Boston and New York office, and then we had a couple outside people so that was very fun!”

DMCers headed up to Stowe Ski Resort in Vermont and spent a long weekend skiing and hanging out! “Most people went skiing or snowboarding and some people went winter hiking,” according to Emily Blackman, Application Developer based in Chicago.

While most of the time was spent outdoors participating in various winter activities, there was a memorable trip taken to the Ben and Jerry’s factory.
“We went to tour the Ben and Jerry’s factory. It was the original factory, and they have an ice cream store with exclusive flavors,” Emily said. “The ice cream I asked for had giant pieces of cookie dough. The pieces were so big I’m sure those could be baked and would be the size of a standard cookie.”

Sweet treats and factory tours were not the only highlight of the trip. Abby’s favorite memory was sledding!
"A bunch of us went sledding on Saturday, and that was super fun,” Abby said. “We actually made a chain! Three people were on each sled, and we all linked together. That was very fun!”

A favorite ski trail for both Abby and Emily was the long, green scenic route called the Toll House Road.
“Emily Blackman and I skied together on this really long run called Toll House Road. It is just really long winding through the woods. That’s my favorite, just like a nice, easy, fun, beautiful view run,” Abby said.

There were more beautiful views just outside the rented lodges.
“There was one night when it was really clear, and a bunch of us went out to see the stars,” Emily said. “The night sky was filled with stars, it looked so nice!”
After a long fun weekend of ice cream tours, long scenic ski runs, and chain sledding, DMSkeast 2024 came to an end. Opening the event to all offices proved to be a great idea, and many DMCers are already looking forward to next year!
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