DMC's Internal Operations (IO) team headed out for a night of high stakes and friendly competition. Two teams battled it out to become the ultimate champion of this IO bonding party!

The night was filled with fun games, great food, and close competition. The team headed over to Game Night Out, an in-person event space that hosts, plans, and leads you through the games. Over the course of two hours, DMCers competed in two teams - Team Skyline and Team Unfriendly Unicorns - to battle it out in a winner takes all tournament.

A favorite game of the night was 'May I Take Your Order?'
"We had a representative who had a microphone and asked, 'May I Take Your Order?' and behind them all the differnet foods would pop up. For example, Ketchup would pop up and the rest of the team would say 'hot dog, fries, etc.' and the representative would have to guess the food," Nicollette Gramatis, Recruiting and Onboarding Specialist, said. "Then, we would switch teams, and we did that twice. It was a lot of fun!"

As teams competed game after game throughout the night, one particular team took the lead. The Unfriendly Unicorns were at the top spot when it came to starting the final game. In a turn of events, the last game was a winner takes all scenario and Team Skyline had a chance to reign supreme.

There was a catch, however, and the leading team had an advantage in the final game.
"There were two balloons attached to air pumps. While one team was explaining to their teammates what was on their cards, the opposing team was attempting to pop their opponent's balloon," Greg Kimura, Administrative Assistant, said while mimicking the action of pumping balloons. "The advantage going into this game was that the team in the lead had a few extra pumps that they were allowed to pump in order to pop their opponents balloon."

Heading into the final game with an 8-point advantage, The Unfriendly Unicorns had proven they were undefeatable. According to Greg, after a rigorous round of competition, "team Unfriendly Unicorns won!"

Game Night Out proved to be a night of fun, friendly competition that allowed IO DMCers to get to know their coworkers in an unconventional way!
"I would definitely go to an event like this again," Greg said. "It was a real fun night!"
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