Check out all the fun DMCers have had over the past month!
DMCers across multiple offices set up a Minecraft server together to play the nostalgic game of Minecraft. With voice chat available, this is an opportunity to interact and talk with people from other offices.
"A bunch of DMCers decided to go explore and adventure together while some others decided to build a small town with houses and farms," Davi Alves Oliva, Systems Engineer who helped get the initial configuration set up, said. "Another group decided to build automatic contraptions to make everyone else lives easier!"

DMC Chicago checked out Lincoln Square's Oktoberfest — how festive!

The Electrical Engineering team was also in town and spent an evening with DCMers from the Chicago office bowling at Whirlyball!
The Cincinnati office broke in their new pool table with visitor Ben Griffith!

They also enjoyed lunch at Skyline with another Chicago visitor: Brian Sanderson!

DMC Denver attended the Great American Beer Festival to enjoy some brews and also had a nice Sunday picnic in the park!

Our Houston office welcomed Gail Mayes with Tacos for lunch!
Houston & San Diego
The Houston and San Diego offices had a crossover event where they went line dancing at Neon Boots Dancehall & Saloon in Houston!
New York
DMC New York welcomed Megan Flynn with authentic Szechuan cuisine for lunch at Sichuan!
San Diego
San Diego ate some yummy pho and then went to an Escape Room!

DMC Seattle welcomed Rodrigo Campos and Kyle Bolin with dinner followed by a Seattle Sounders soccer game vs. LA galaxy.
Washington, D.C.
Our DC office was excited to attend career fairs this past month!

Learn more about DMC's company culture and check out our open positions!
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