Welcome parties are a staple of the DMC new-hire experience. Usually occurring within the first two weeks of a new team member's start date, these celebrations provide a fun way for the entire company to get to know the new hires while enjoying a nice activity at the same time.
This August, DMC welcomed seven new employees. The new class chose to combine their welcome parties for quite a unique activity: shuffleboard.
Fun at The Royal Palms
After an early dinner at the office, partygoers made their way to the nearby Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Wicker Park. The club featured food and drinks, interactive games (such as 'ring-swing' — which was a big hit), and of course full-size shuffleboard courts for all to try.
The party started off with a lesson by a club staff member to show everyone how to play. This short crash course taught the goal of the game, showed how to keep score, and ended with a demonstration on the proper way to shoot. From there, teams of two were quickly formed, and the first set of games began while others watched and cheered along.

Although many came up with creative ideas on how to correctly use the ‘cue-stick,’ most quickly learned that the proper technique was the best way to go.
Following many rounds of games, teams headed upstairs to explore the rest of the venue and take a group photo. The party didn’t stop there, however, and it took until near closing time for the last of the group to head home for the night.
The party was a great success for new hires and long-time DMC employees alike. Everyone had a great time getting to know one another while trying a fun and exciting activity to help “break the ice.”

As one of the new hires, I look back on this welcome party as one of the most exciting parts of my first few weeks. Not only was it a fun way to celebrate nearing the end of my training weeks, but it also really helped me settle into the company.
This gave me the opportunity to meet and talk to many of my new coworkers in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. I had conversations with people of all experience levels and across all service areas and departments.
What stood out to me from this experience was how open DMC is as a company. No matter where you are in your career or what type of work you do, everyone is simply part of the team.
Perhaps the best part was that, after only a few short weeks, I was able to do it all again for the following class of new hires — this time, I was on the welcoming side. We celebrated them with yet another unique and exciting welcome party aboard the Tall Ship Windy on Lake Michigan!
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