In May 2019, at what would become the last NI Week ever, I led a session called “Learning to Love Text Again With Measurement Studio.” It was scheduled for 8:30 AM on the last day of the conference, so I was surprised that so many travel-weary engineers stumbled in, red-eyed, with clumps of taco still stuck in their hair, ready to listen to me talk about what I thought was a fairly niche topic. I was wrong! The room was filled with enthusiasm, although some of it was already about where to get lunch.
It is now December 2022. NI Week is gone, but the Test & Measurement community is still hungry for Austin’s spectacular tacos and alternative software development platforms. A mere three-and-a-half years later, I have finally found time to convert that presentation into a series of blog posts for those of you who weren’t there (or who slept through it). The intent is to motivate the use of Python or Microsoft’s .NET platform as programming environments for Test & Measurement Automation, and to provide you with some guidance toward getting started.
The purpose of this post is to describe the advantages of Python and .NET software development for Test & Measurement applications. The de facto standard is generally National Instruments LabVIEW, due to the shallow learning curve and the quality and feature set of NI hardware; however, NI is also very good about offering hardware APIs for other languages — which gives you the flexibility to choose another option if it’s the right tool for the job. This post will describe why, in certain circumstances, the right tool may be Python or .NET.
In a separate post, I also offer a brief overview of NI’s Measurement Studio — which is a very useful set of tools that makes it easier for LabVIEW developers to get started with .NET.
Measurement Studio offers:
- .NET classes and functions analogous to LabVIEW’s data analysis VIs
- .NET data types analogous to those used by LabVIEW (e.g., analog and digital waveform types)
- A .NET API for creating and managing TDMS files
- Controls, indicators, and graph elements that can be used in .NET UIs
If I make a compelling case here and you’d like to try building your next Test & Measurement application in .NET, I recommend getting started with the free trial of Measurement Studio. The familiar tools that it provides will help you leverage your existing LabVIEW knowledge to work efficiently in a new environment.
Strengths of LabVIEW Development
From the beginning, NI’s mission for LabVIEW was to make it easy for scientists and engineers to build Test & Measurement applications. Since the mid-80s, the guiding principles of NI’s LabVIEW investment were to:
- Enable fast, easy software development
- Make hardware integration as simple as possible
- Provide a standard library with a focus on engineering functionality
- Lower the barrier to producing graphical user interfaces
For these reasons, there are some use cases for which LabVIEW is an obvious win. If you need to get an application up and running quickly, if it needs to acquire, process, and visualize data, and if it will neither be deployed widely nor maintained for a very long time, then you will likely benefit from the productivity of developing in LabVIEW.
Where Can We Do Better?
Larger projects require larger teams in order to meet delivery deadlines or maintain the software throughout its lifecycle. However, larger teams need to be able to work in parallel without stepping on each other’s toes. Beyond the initial delivery, maintaining the software can become a challenge as it ages and evolves and as developers drift in and out of the project. Here, we will discuss some advantages to Python and C# that reduce the complexity of maintaining a large software project throughout its lifecycle.
Enabling Technology
Oddly enough, the graphical nature of LabVIEW, which makes it one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages, also makes it extremely difficult to compare two pieces of code. It is easy to navigate and visually parse LabVIEW code, but very difficult to graphically represent the difference between two pieces of code.
Consider the case in which you wrote a VI and shared it with a colleague. If that colleague edited it and gave you a new version, how would you find all of the differences? You can hunt them down on your own, but you’ll need to search every case structure and check the default value of every control. Even if it were a simple VI that could be visually compared easily, you’d have to identify each change as either functional or cosmetic (i.e., an additional wire bend is a difference, but an inconsequential one). Some automated tools exist, but they tend to be hard to configure and use. Furthermore, once all of the differences are identified, how do you visualize them concisely?
Text source code is much more limited in terms of layout. It’s very easy for a computer to parse two chunks of text, compare them, and produce a simple visualization of the differences (often referred to as a “diff”). Simple as it may seem, this enables a substantial number of tools and techniques for managing source code that are not available for complex binary files like VIs. This is critical for code reviews as a quality assurance technique. Senior developers can easily review only the diffs, which are both concise and automatically generated.
Multi-developer Workflows
Being able to see only the differences in two chunks of code is important for quality assurance, but it gets even better: a diff can also be used to easily merge changes into source code as well. This is a major enabler for multi-developer scenarios because it means that two or more developers can make changes to different parts of the same source file, and those changes can be blended together easily (i.e., they won’t collide unless there are different variations of the same lines of text).
DMC’s platform of choice is GitLab, which is a web-based software development management tool.
GitLab provides:
- A revision-control system (git)
- Source code navigation, viewing, and comparing
- Organized methods for users to track issues and resolutions
- Automations for testing and building applications
- Different user roles that enable better collaboration with both internal and external teams
- Many other features
Of particular importance is the issue resolution workflow, which can be separated into individual workflows for different user roles, such as:

In this diagram, we have several people working in parallel (from top to bottom): a technical lead, a few developers, and anyone else with access to the source. Anyone with access to the source code repository can test the code and report issues (bottom). Developers (center) can select a reported issue, create a branch of code dedicated to its resolution, resolve the issue, and submit a “merge request.” The technical lead of the project (top) can then review those merge requests, ensure the code meets quality standards (by viewing the diff of that branch with the main line of development), and merge the updated code into the main line of development independently and in parallel with the developers.
We have found that the cadence of code reviews is easier to maintain with this workflow. GitLab serves as a portal to view only the parts of the code that have changed and allows you to discuss those changes with the developer (asynchronously, via the web interface) before merging them. Instead of sitting down in a conference room and having the developer walk the technical lead through all the changes in a branch, the technical lead can simply view a diff those changes and enter comments or suggestions that the developer can then address later (as shown below). Once all comments have been addressed and the technical lead is satisfied with the changes, they can be merged.

This substantially improves the code review workflow, allowing the tech lead and developers to work asynchronously, communicate effectively, and collaborate productively.
Separation of Concerns
One objective of good software design is “separation of concerns.” One must break down the problem into smaller and smaller problems, and then those into even smaller problems, continuing until there is a tree of convenient fun-size problems that can each be solved easily. Implicit in this methodology is the idea that each problem should be independent of the others. The programmer should establish clear interfaces between problems to keep them logically separate.
If you haven’t heard of SOLID design principles, consider reading through a blog post by my colleague and LabVIEW aficionado Steven Dusing. The “S” in SOLID stands for “single responsibility,” meaning that, as you separate your concerns into smaller, more manageable problems, you should end up with chunks of code that do one thing and one thing only.
If different pieces of code are truly separated, you can even delegate them to people with different skill sets. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a UI designer handle the graphical layout of your application while engineers develop the business logic? A LabVIEW VI has a user interface (front panel) that is inextricably tied to the business logic (block diagram). This makes it dirt-simple to produce a GUI application, but it also makes it very hard to have a complex UI that is separate from the business logic and can be developed by a different person.
As an example, consider WPF, one of the graphical frameworks available on the .NET platform. The UI layout is specified with an XML-style language completely separately from the run-time logic. Since the graphical layout is specified as a text language, diffs are supported for easy review, and, since it exists in its own file, your UI/UX designer can work in parallel with the engineering team. We have effectively separated our concerns: UI things get handled in a UI file by a UI expert, and business logic things get handled in C# code by C# experts.
Outside of the .NET framework, various graphical toolkits are available but my personal preference is Qt — which is available under the terms of the LGPL (mostly). Qt provides QML, which is conceptually similar to XAML (i.e., like XAML, QML is a declarative UI description language), and gets used in the same way to separate your UI design from business logic. Business logic can be implemented in Python, C++, or some other languages with third-party bindings to Qt.
Best Practices for Software Development
In LabVIEW 8.2, object-oriented design principles were introduced to LabVIEW, which was a difficult balancing act. NI’s team aimed to make Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) accessible to scientists and engineers who didn’t necessarily have a computer scientist’s background, without compromising the fundamentals on which LabVIEW was built.
This was done out of a recognition that:
Object-oriented programming has demonstrated its superiority over procedural programming as an architecture choice in several programming languages. It encourages clear divisions between sections of the code, it is easier to debug, and it scales better for large programming teams. LabVIEW R&D wanted this power to be accessible by our customers. We wanted the language to be able to enforce some of these software best-practices.
There are a lot of compelling reasons to use an object orientation (OO) approach, and NI needed to balance that with the need to maintain the concept of dataflow, and a recognition that this might not be the right approach for every person, every project, and every situation. Consequently, the implementation of OO in LabVIEW is very useful and very easy to use, but it is substantially different from traditional OO. For larger projects with larger teams, leveraging the scalability and modularity of a truly object-oriented language can lead to a better product and a more efficient development experience.
The three languages we’ve been discussing most (LabVIEW, C#, and Python) all need to run in the context of some set of libraries on the target machine. That may be the LabVIEW Runtime Engine, the .NET Framework, or the Python interpreter, respectively.
Applications that will be widely distributed will generally benefit from the fact that all Windows installations either have the .NET runtime installed already, or they make it easy to do so automatically. Python even has the advantage of creating virtual environments which allow multiple Python interpreters to co-exist on a system, and for each project to have its own set of dependencies installed without any of them colliding with the others. Virtual environments are important for development, but they can also be used to ensure that applications are installed consistently across various systems.
For large development projects, the deployment procedure should be considered early. In many cases, the .NET framework is already installed and available on Windows machines, and if the target will be Linux, Python is widely available and often distributed by default with an OS installation.
Community Support and Engagement
The largest and most active development communities generally produce some of the most useful third-party tools, often under open-source license terms. Based on the relatively informal TIOBE index, both C# and Python land in the top 5 most searched programming languages. Using that as a proxy for the activity of their respective communities, it is not surprising that the package managers for these platforms runneth over with useful tools and libraries that can be readily used in your projects.
The .NET framework provides a package management system called NuGet, which currently hosts over 330,000 unique packages. For Python, the pip module is used to connect to pypi (over 420,000 unique packages) or other package repositories. While LabVIEW does have both JKI’s VI Package Manager (with over 1000 packages) and NI’s own package manager, neither offers the same level of community engagement.
As projects get larger, the availability and quality of reusable tools and libraries can help drive down the amount of code you need to maintain yourself.
In recent years, NI has made substantial investments in support for .NET and Python. While LabVIEW continues to be a good option for some Test & Measurement applications, many (particularly large projects) could benefit from different tools.
For some engineers, the learning curve of training up on a language other than LabVIEW may be prohibitive. In these cases, I recommend considering NI Measurement Studio as a stepping stone. Click here to read my overview of how Measurement Studio can fill the gaps between LabVIEW and C#.
Learn more about DMC's Test & Measurement Automation solutions, and contact us today for your next project.