Fall arrived promptly in Chicago, with temperatures dropping from 80o and sunny to 50o and overcast almost overnight. The official change in seasons prompted some internal debates on the truest “fall flavor,” acceptable uses of pumpkin spice, and preferred office temperature. We’ve swapped out our Hawaiian shirts in favor of Flannel Fridays, and office slippers are making their resurgence.
Inspired by fall and the massive piles of pumpkins available at every local grocery store, the Chicago office decided to hold a pumpkin-palooza activity fund evening at the office!
We Design!
Our night started off with a brainstorming session. Some attendees chose to partner up to maximize creative input on each pumpkin carving sketch. Inspiration came from all sources, from DMC’s core values and logos to the cutest office dog being Pippin, and even DMC’s extensive Slack emoji library.

We Dine!
Good food and drinks are a necessity at any DMC activity fund event, so, before rolling up our sleeves, we ordered some pizzas for dinner!
Specialty drinks for the evening included: hot toddies (courtesy of Aleks K, personalized to taste), spiced wine (courtesy of Ben D), and cider with spiced rum (courtesy of the well-stocked DMC kitchen!).

We Scoop!
Of course, the first step in carving pumpkins is getting elbow deep in pumpkin guts. We busted out the tools from our brand-new carving kits, which included two “super goop scoops,” and we got to work emptying out our gourds.

We Carve!
Stomachs sated and mugs full of tasty warm beverages, we got to work on our pumpkins. Marilyn finished her “Elmo Rise” pumpkin in record time after completely free-handing the carving!

Tim got creative and tried out some shading techniques to create our DMC logo!

Alex and Davi carved the spitting image of King Boo, complete with crown!

My pumpkin was inspired by my favorite fall themed “thinking” slack emoji – the “Think-o-Lantern.”

All of our pumpkin artists did a fabulous job getting our office ready for spooky season! Stay tuned for more fall fun at DMC!
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