Troubleshooting NTP with NI Hardware

In order to synchronize DAQ timestamps or time-sensitive processes across devices, you need to establish a common time source to which all devices on a network can synchronize.  Network Time Protocol (NTP) services provide this functionality,...

Meet DMC at Detroit National Instruments IIoT Event on 11/16

DMC will participate in National Instruments' upcoming event on Implementing the Industrial IoT as a featured partner. The event takes place on Thursday, Noveber 16, 2017 at the Marriott Detroit Livonia from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Event Info T...

Siemens Open Library Version 2.0 Release

Version 2.0 has just been released for the Siemens Open Library. This includes a Portal V14 SP1 release, including WinCC Pro and WinCC OA support. Explore and download the Siemens Open Library at   V2 contains...

Employee Spotlight: Steven Dusing

Systems Engineer Steven Dusing is based in the DMC Chicago office as a member of the Test and Measurement Automation team. In addition to working on UI design in LabVIEW, Steven enjoys playing volleyball and skiing. He's an active co...

Roll Up Your Data by Month Using Date Tables in Power BI

One of the most common complaints regarding the capabilities of Power BI and other reporting platforms at large is the ability, or lack thereof, to easily roll up data by month. Power BI, by default, has some capability to do this in the form of date...

DMC Quote Board - November 2017

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.

Oktoberfest Fun Returns To DMC Chicago

DMC recently rang in fall with an Oktoberfest party at our Chicago office. Oktoberfest parties are somewhat of a tradition at DMC Chicago. DMC Boston took over a few years ago, and last year DMC Denver hosted with lots of brats and mountain view...

DMC Featured as Microsoft Power BI Showcase Partner & AppSource Provider

Following our acceptance into the Power BI Red Carpet Program in 2016, DMC has now earned membership as a Microsoft Showcase Partner, a premium partner group for Power BI. By participating in this program, DMC receives access to training opportunitie...

DMC New York YOE - Eating Our Way Through NYC

DMC New York recently gathered DMC employees from around the country for a weekend of fun in the Big Apple. We hosted our first Yearly Office Event (YOE), which is an annual event where each DMC office hosts from visitors from our other branches. ...

NI LabVIEW Part 2: Synchronized Data Acquisition across Distributed FPGA Chassis

In this section, we'll discuss data acquisition using the multiple FPGA chassis architecture outlined in the previous section, NI LabVIEW Part 1: Building Distributed and Synchronized FPGA Applications with Multiple C Series Chassis. If...

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