DMC Quote Board - March 2018

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.

DMC to Present at UEI Seminar Series on April 25

DMC Project Director, Jon Carson, will lead presentations at the United Electronic Industries educational seminar series on April 25, 2018. A morning session and an afternoon session will be held in Hauppauge, NY. The seminar is target...

DMC to Attend Manufacturing in America 2018

DMC will be attending Manufacturing in America on March 14-15 at Ford Field in Detroit, presented by Siemens and Electro-Matic. As a Siemens Solution Partner, we'll be demonstrating some new Siemens tools we've developed. Ov...

DMC Denver Does the Winter Olympics

Everyone at DMC gets together in person or via video conference for an all-company meeting every month. We share things we've learned, celebrate our coworker's accomplishments and milestones, and talk about the goals we have for the future of...

Employee Spotlight: Nikhil Holay

Systems Engineer Nikhil Holay is based in the DMC Chicago office as a member of the Manufacturing Automation team. Nikhil loves hitting the slopes and is always looking for a bridge partner. Learn more about Nikhil in the video below!

Tips and Tricks for Upgrading your NI Compact Fieldpoint to CompactDAQ

National Instruments’ CompactDAQ series offers rugged, reliable, and high-performing I/O modules for interfacing with hardware. Compared to NI’s outdated Fieldpoint modules, the CompactDAQ series outperforms in basic I/O functionality, sp...

The Holiday Party

Annual holiday parties are one of DMC's favorite traditions. At DMC holiday parties, everyone available gets together in January to celebrate the accomplishments of the previous year. Past parties have taken us everywhere from a glassbl...

Take Me to Your Leader: A Planetarium Welcome Party

It was a cold January night when I donned a silver, Pringle-shaped skirt, a black unitard, swiped on some purple lipstick, and stashed a plastic gun in my waistband. It was all for a work event. Where in this galaxy could I possibly be going that ...

DMC Quote Board - February 2018

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.

DMC Chicago to Host National Instruments Certification Exam

DMC will be hosting a National Instruments certification exam at our Chicago office on February 23. The testing can cover any of the practical exams in the NI lineup, including the Certified LabVIEW Developer and Certified LabVIEW Architect exams. A&...

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