Employees Lead Company Improvements During FedEx Day 2018

DMC recently took a break from day-to-day tasks to participate in one of our favorite company traditions, FedEx Day. Routine work on hold, our offices still brimmed with life and projects while everyone worked on whatever they wanted.  F...

DMC Joins the Things Network

With IoT solutions becoming more and more important in product design, DMC has been very interested in the viability of wireless devices as tools to solve new problems. LoRa, is one of the new solutions that provide viable results for use cases th...

6 Things You Should Know When Commissioning a SIMATIC S7-400 PLC

Your code compiles, hardware config is all set, but you can't get rid of the red lights on the 400H system. Check the following before pulling out your soldering iron and green LEDs.    1. Are the rack switches correct? If you ...

A Balloon's Journey: Testing Distance Capabilities of a LoRa Gateway and Tranceiver

Recently, some of us at DMC have been interested in the capabilities of the LoRa protocol. We were curious about how far it could actually transmit. The theoretical range of a device is very long—upwards of 500 miles, but without knowing f...

10 More DMC Engineers Pass the Siemens Certification Exam

DMC has a lot of Siemens Certified Engineers. In fact, we have the most in the United States. As we continue to grow, so does our number of Siemens experts. After a recent Siemens Global Certification exam in the Chicago suburbs, we are proud to...

Tools for Managing Your LabVIEW Source Code

Using code management tools is essential, but choosing from LabVIEW's many options can be tricky. Here I will explore Project Libraries (.lvlib), Classes (.lvclass), Libraries (.llb), Packed Project Libraries (.lvlibp), Projects (.lvproj), and VI...

DMC Does Goat Yoga

This month, several DMC Chicago team members were lucky enough to participate in Goat Yoga as a team building activity at the Garfield Park Conservatory. Goat yoga is the latest yoga trend where baby goats run around the participants, ...

5 Ways DMC Engineers Ensure Project Success with Critical Support

To ensure broad-based project success, DMC places a significant focus not only on the technical and engineering aspects of our projects, but also on following well-formulated project communication, management, and quality practices. Thus, as ...

DMC is Expanding to Seattle

DMC is proud to continue our dedication to serving existing and potential customers on the West Coast by heading to Seattle! We are excited to announce the opening of our seventh expansion office in the Pioneer Square neighborhood of Seattle. ...

DMC Achieves Microsoft's Gold Data Analytics Competency

DMC is proud to announce that we have earned the Microsoft Gold certified competency for Data Analytics. This certification recognizes DMC for excellence in helping clients gain insight into their data and make predictions and recommendations through...

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