An Intern's Guide to Surviving a DMC Summer

Three months ago, I got a call while walking home from class in the last few weeks of the Spring semester. Immediately upon seeing the Chicago area code, I knew that this was the moment I had been waiting for—the decision from DMC for a marketi...

7 Things to Know Before Your First GMP/GAMP Project

GMP stands for good manufacturing practices. GAMP is good automated manufacturing practices. All manufacturing endeavors benefit from attention to quality, but this is especially important when the product is pharmaceutical. As a literal matter of li...

Siemens S7 Graph Tips and Tricks

SIMATIC S7 Graph is used for programming sequence logic in a graphical, flow chart representation. For those of us who have been programming sequences in ladder logic or SCL, Graph presents an alternative method that includes some built-in functional...

Why Can’t I Connect to my NI PXI Chassis Modules?

Conclusion Although shutting down your PC is a very quick debugging step to address your PXI modules’ connection issues, many PXI users may not be aware of the PXI module to PC connection process, and thus will not know to try this troublesh...

5 Great Uses of the Spread Operator in a React App

React has quickly become one of DMC’s favorite tools for web front-end development due to its component-based structure and growing adoption. However, between the JSX syntax, component lifecycle, and state management, learning to use React effe...

The 5 Fundamentals of GMP Requirements Tracking

If you already know these seven things about GMP, then it's time to dive into the five fundamentals of GMP requirements tracking. If you hear GMP Documentation, Traceability Documents, Requirement Specs or something of that natu...

DMC is Headed to a School Near You!

Summer is ending and that means school will soon be back in session! The season of college football and all-night study sessions is fast approaching for students. Along with all the friends, fun, and school activities is one of the most exc...

How to Fix a PLC 5 Red Fault Light

So, you either had a system that was working and then a red light showed up, or you bought a used PLC and the fault light showed up. Here's how to fix the fault light.  If the "BATT" Light is Red You should replace the ...

DMC Quote Board - August 2018

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.

DMC's Internal Operations Team Sets Sail

"If this boat sinks, the company would be *in real trouble." This was the starting remark as DMC's Internal Operations team left Belmont Harbor on President & CEO Frank Riordan's boat. Every summer, employees are in...

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