Data Logging with Panasonic GT Series HMIs

If you're interested in storing production, sensor, or other data from your automation system, Panasonic GT series HMIs provide a flexible method for logging data from one or multiple PLCs to any standard SD card. Logs are stored in CSV file...

Identifying Topology Mismatch in Logic

I’d like to take a more in-depth look at an underused feature in TIA Portal, and how to diagnose its associated issues in PLC logic rather than using online diagnostics. As mentioned in this blog, Topology setup in TIA Portal can provide an add...

How to Commission an Allen Bradley PowerFlex VFD

PowerFlex VFDs are very adept drives capable of interfacing with a lot of options for control, configuration, and monitoring. However, this range of capabilities can be daunting and confusing for those unfamiliar with industrial VFDs, or new to Power...

DMC Quote Board - May 2019

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment. Learn more about DMC's company culture. 

Oxidizing Bare Metal: Rust Programming for ARM Microcontrollers

Being an embedded systems developer is always an exciting challenge. One of the downsides though is that in general, programming and development tools are somewhat limited. Developers are almost always restricted to C/C++ and often can't rely on ...

How to Make a Dynamically Linking Faceplate in Siemens' TIA Portal

Thanks to TIA Portals development environment, laying out and linking a few objects on an HMI screen doesn’t take very much time. Though, this process starts to become tedious when there are many objects with many individual tag connections for...

Getting Started with WinCC OA: Part 1 - Creating & Opening a Project

“OA is a beast of a program.” One of my fellow DMC engineers made this remark when I began learning how to program using SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture (OA for short). Indeed, for someone just getting started with OA, the SCADA software ...

DMC Rolls Out New Tilt Table Demos

DMC is rolling out all new tilt table demos for our locations across the country. This new set of tilt-table demos allows us to demonstrate to clients, recruits, or anyone interested in our business some of the many fascinating technologies we w...

DMC to Present at the Seattle Area LabVIEW Developer Conference 2019

Seattle area LabVIEW users who either can’t wait or can’t make the trip to NI Week in May decided to organize a LabVIEW Developer Conference. Anyone interested in honing their LabVIEW skills is invited to come together to present on and l...

Young Women Learn to Code with DMC

This year, DMC took the opportunity to present at the 27th Annual Houston Expand Your Horizons in Science and Mathematics (EYH) conference at Spring Forest Middle School. What is EYH? EYH is an event for middle school girls designed to nurture ...

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