DMC Quote Board - November 2019

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.  Learn more about DMC's company culture. 

5 Advanced UI Design Hacks for Beginners

As a UX/UI Designer, there are so many tips and tricks I wish I knew from the start. Several quick little “quality of life things” that I know now would have sped up my workflow and improved my designs. These things often come from experi...

How To Setup a WinCC OA Application to Push Data to MindSphere

MindSphere and WinCC OA are two powerful tools offered by Siemens that can allow for streamlined aggregation, processing, and visualization of massive volumes of data. Now thanks to some in-built functions within WinCC OA, you can, with a bit of setu...

Simple Motion Control With an S7-1200 PLC and a Pulse Train Output (PTO)

Some people might be very comfortable with setting up basic digital and analog IO on a PLC but then are a little hesitant about motion control. Often, setting up motion can require drive commissioning, proper topology connections, and a lot of other ...

DMC Chicago to Host and Present at Automotive Consortium

DMC will host a joint meeting between the Chicago chapter of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, SAE Chicago, and ASME Chicago on November 13th from 5:30 - 8:00 PM. This event is a great opportunity to expand your technical knowledge about EV...

DMC Attends 2019 National Instruments CLA Summit

DMC recently attended National Instrument's yearly Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA) Summit, which brings together the top LabVIEW programmers in the world. You could say it’s a who’s who in the world of LabVIEW programming ...

Employee Spotlight: David Berno

David Berno is a Systems Engineer in DMC's Chicago office. He works primarily in the Manufacturing Automation and Intelligence group. In this video, David shares what it's like to complete the Chicago Triathalon and why he loves the variet...

DMC Partners with MxD

DMC is now a proud member of Manufacturing x Digital or MxD. Located in Chicago, MxD has a 22,000-square-foot research factory that is used to test and demonstrate new technology, train the workforce on new systems and tools, and demonstrate the need...

4 Tips for Launching a Product on Emerging Cellular Networks

The major cellular network providers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile) have launched or are in the process of launching upgrades to their LTE networks that will enable the deployment of millions of new, previously impractical IoT solutions...

Digitally Signing a LabVIEW Installer

A lot of work goes into creating a polished, custom application. If you’re like me, it may have never occurred to you that after all of your hard work, there still lies one hurdle: Windows Security. So how do you convince everyone else that you...

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