Solar Panel Project Featured in Design World

A Solar Panel Assembly Project that DMC recently completed was the basis for a feature article in Design World Magazine. The article can be found here. DMC provided controls engineering and programming services for a company that makes machines th...

Customer Service Fundamentals - Part II

LISTEN! I previously wrote about our first Customer Service Fundamental - Always Remember the Importance of the Customer. Today I am going to write about our 2nd customer service fundamental - Listen. Until about a year ago I had never explicit...

DMC Attains Two New LabVIEW Certifications!

Congratulations to Eric Nielsen and Jesse Batsche on passing the certification exam to be LabVIEW Certified Associate Developers! They had the opportunity to take this exam at the National Instruments Developer Education Days event here in Chicago...

DMC Customer Service Fundamentals - Part I

DMC has always had an implicit customer driven culture - a do whatever-it-takes attitude to deliver to our customers. There are countless examples of over and above effort - working through the night, marathon weeks (or sometimes months) to get a pro...

Optimization of Point-to-Point Positioning with a Non-Linear Mechanical Connection

This blog will cover how DMC increased the speed of a rate-limiting process step for the ThyssenKrupp Waupaca foundry. It will cover the following: Construct a basic motion model with a spreadsheet. Optimize a non-linear motion profile to mat...

CSIA Annual Conference

Last week I went to the CSIA Annual Conference in Naples, FL. CSIA, as I've blogged about before, is the Control System Integrators Association, the largest organization in North America for control system integrators. The venue for the event ...

Ultimate Question - Aim of Customer Service Excellence

DMC has been in business since 1996 and, until about a year ago, we never explicitly and regularly discussed customer service excellence. Of course, we discussed satisfying the customer and our Core Values, which were first documented several years a...

PC-Based Controls vs Dedicated Controllers

Mike Bacidore over at has written an insightful article discussing the recent shift of many of their readers from using traditional PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) to using more powerful PACs (Programmable Automation Controlle...

DMC Launches New Website

We've launched our new and improved website. We implemented our website in-house, so we have full control, allowing us to edit and add new content going forward. We decided to go with a CMS to make this easier. ASP.NET based Dot Net Nuke (DNN) wa...

DMC Exceeds CSIA Certification Benchmark

CSIA Certification - By maintaining Certification from the Control System Integrators Association (CSIA), DMC demonstrates the best practices and knowledge in automation and integration in relevant industrial projects. DMC's audit score exceed...

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