What is a "National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architect" ?

... and why should I care if my LabVIEW integrator is properly certified? In most cases, the reason you are considering partnering with DMC to complete a LabVIEW project is because you don't have in-house personnel proficient in LabVIEW develo...

Checklists & Goals & Racing - Oh My!

DMC held our periodic all-day off-site company meeting on February 8th at Melrose Park Grand Prix. Business topics covered included: Checklists - motivated by the book The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, by Atul Gawande. A simp...

New White Paper: Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Testing

DMC has been involved in quite a few battery testing projects lately. We thought it would be helpful to assemble a compilation of some of the general things we have learned into a new white paper.... "Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Testing in ...

DMC Engineer Attains ISA Certified Automation Professional

I am happy to announce that I have recently completed the requirements to officially become an International Society of Automation (ISA) Certified Automation Professional (ISA CAP). Per ISA, Certified Automation Professionals are responsible for t...

Sometimes projects, even very large ones, have straight-forward solution paths with few unknowns. Other times a project is closer to the technological frontier where the solution is not obvious, or may not exist with the current technology. Many of t...

DMC and the Alliance for Illinois Manufacturing to Sponsor Executive Lunch Briefing

DMC and the Alliance for Illinois Manufacturing are sponsoring a complimentary executive lunch briefing on March 4, 2010. The event’s topic, Use Technology You Already Own to Operate Efficiently and Competitively, will focus on using Microsoft ...

University of Illinois Job Shadowing Program a Success

Last Wednesday DMC hosted Karan Talati, a freshman Mechanical Engineering major, as a part of the University of Illinois Job Shadowing program. The program is designed for freshman or sophomore engineering students to spend a day with an engineering ...

Using Norton Ghost for "Cloning" PC Based LabVIEW Test Stations and for Disaster Recovery

While developing a Windows PC based long term test system running LabVIEW software, we found the use of Norton Ghost to be a very effective means of setting up multiple identical test stand units quickly and efficiently. Basically we took the approac...

Winter Fun At DMC

A lot of us here at DMC like to get outdoors and stay active, even during these brutal Midwestern winters. This Saturday, five DMC employees, including myself, braved the cold to spend a great day out at Alpine Valley ski resort.  Jody Koplo,...

Using LVmerge LabVIEW Merge Tool with TortoiseSVN

When multiple developers are working on the same LabVIEW project, version control becomes crucial (that's where TortoiseSVN shines). Even with version control software and good developer communication, you'll eventually end up with two confli...

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