How cold is it in Russia?

I am getting questions like "you are from Russia, it must be cold there" quite often for obvious reasons. Despite the fact that Russia is huge and includes geographic zones from subtropics to Arctic circle I've decided to compare climat...

Crossover Cable and Null Modem Wiring

Setting up communication networks or interfacing with devices is a common task at DMC. Usually we try to prepare ahead of time so that we have all the hardware we need, but in a pinch, we do occasionally have to make our own cables or have a better u...

Backing Up and Restoring Embedded PC's with Symantec's Norton Ghost

I was recently called up by a past customer who was using XP Windows embedded on an HP Neoware Thin Client who had lost their hard drive image and needed the machine restored. These types of machines are becoming more and more common, used as termina...

Check out our new Case Studies!

We have added a few new Case Studies that showcase two of the business areas in which we recently have had a number of projects: Sharepoint Development and Battery Testing. Check out these Case Study entries to read more detail! Sharepoint Time...

State-Case Machines Replace Gotos

Recently, I created a function to execute this simple flowchart: This function is executing within its own thread and starts an asynchronous action that executes in another thread. This function periodically checks the system state. Before the...

A Roomba Christmas

The holidays are here again. The decorations: tinsel and faux snow. And when the weather outside is frightful, you track in a lot of real snow and dirt. It got me thinking, I don't really want to clean up after everything, but I could f...

Converting legacy Acroloop Motion to an ACR 9000 controller

DMC started as a motion integrator (the M stands for motion). Even though we do a great many other things these days, we still maintain a strong competency in this area. We were recently contacted by a client who has an old Acroloop 2000 ISA based...

Automated Ping Pong Game

Sometimes, it's difficult to articulate exactly what type of work DMC does day to day. For example, in a career fair setting a DMC employee might only have a few minutes to describe our projects to a candidate. It quickly became apparent to us th...

Redundant Control Systems: Siemens S7 400H Series PLC and WinCC

There are certain control systems, such as in nuclear power plants and airplanes, that cannot be disabled or shut down, even momentarily, because of the threat to people’s lives. In these applications, a redundant control system must be in plac...

Using Devcon Command Line Utility to Rescue Unresponsive USB Devices

When choosing a piece of hardware, you will likely be confronted with many options from different vendors for what interface (PCI, PXI, USB, Serial/GPIB, LXI) that device will use to communicate with your software controller, so how do you choose? ...

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