PLC Troubleshooting

We are frequently asked to work on PLC systems for clients that we did not develop. The job could be troubleshooting an issue or adding a new feature to the system. Working with unfamiliar code has its own unique challenges, although we take pride in...

Modular LabVIEW architecture

Many of the LabVIEW applications that DMC develops are based on our internally developed state machine architecture. This architecture has a proven record of allowing us to create flexible, robust, and easy to maintain applications. One of our cli...

"Indirect Addressing" in Step 7 Basic v10.5 SP2

For those of us who appreciate and harness the power of indirect addressing in Siemens S7 300 and 400 level PLCs, we were sad to hear that this functionality was not supported in the same way for the new Step 7 Basic software for S7-1200 PLCs. As ...

RT-101: Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)

What is a Real-Time Operating System? Known as an RTOS, the Real-Time Operating System is the heart of any Real-Time Solution. An RTOS is capable of executing programs with extremely accurate timing creating a very deterministic system. This key b...

DMC Dominates 2010 Hustle Up the Hancock!

Team DMC has once again made a strong showing at a Chicago area athletic event. As a team, we placed 8th overall out of nearly 150 teams. Several of us even improved our times drastically from last year's competition. DMC is always looking to ...

Creating a Modular LabVIEW Application (Part 1 of 3): Creating an Expandable Data Format

One of LabVIEW’s strongest points is that it is a very “approachable” programming languages. Since it is a graphical language, it is relatively easy for a “non-programmer” to get a quick, simple, stand-alone program up a...

DMC Volunteers with US First Robotics Competition

DMC was happy to be a part of the FIRST FTC (First Tech Challenge) high school robot competition here in Chicago.   John Sullivan and myself with Chris Weaver of NI braved the fierce field of competition to assist as, you guessed it, ...

Siemens S7-1200 PLC communicates through Sinaut MD720-3 cellular modem

Many consumers, including myself, have tapped into the ever-growing functionality of mobile internet. Many people leverage this infrastructure for their mobile phone. Others are beginning to use WiMAX connections for their PCs. Not to be out-done, PL...

Nanotechnology on the Radio

James M. Hussey, CEO of one of our customers, NanoInk, Inc. was interviewed as part of the panel on WGN Radio's Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg on the topic of Nanotechnology. DMC is proud to play a small part in the developing the amazing t...

Achieving CSIA Certification

It can be difficult to assure current and potential clients that you run your business well. Moreover, if you are honest with yourself, you know you could run your business better. It can be difficult as a controls system integrator to find business ...

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